Assistant Professor (02/2014-present)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, TED University

-  TEDU Member of Board of Academic Direction (02/2014-present)

-  Erasmus Departmental Coordinator (02/2014-present)

-  Acting Department Head (02/2014-04/2015)


Pilates Instructor (01/2012 – present)

- Group Classes, Reformer and Cadillac Classes, Personal Training, Power Plate Classes


Postdoctoral Associate (2010-2011)

Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, MIT

-  Developed an atomistic model for the hydroxylapatite in the bone and worked on the incorporation of this crystal together with an atomistic model of the collagen molecule to study the mechanics of the bone.

-  Developed an atomistically informed coarse-grained model to capture the deformation and failure mechanisms of spider silk.

-  Worked on molecular dynamics and metadynamics simulations of the vimentin protein and studied the unfolding mechanisms and structural defects of the protein.


Graduate Research Assistant (2006-2010)

Centre des Matériaux, Mines ParisTech

-  Modeled the role of irregularities in the perfect triangulated microstructure of the spectrin protein on the red blood cell’s macroscopic deformation behavior.

-  Developed a general continuum level constitutive model of the mechanical behavior of the microtubule lattice wall.

-  Implemented an effective monoclinic material model in a finite element code to study the length effects on the mechanical behavior of microtubules.

-  Developed the micromechanical model further including the effects of a prestressed state in the discrete numerical model and to capture the dynamic instabilities of the microtubules.


Graduate Research Assistant (2003-2006)

Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT

-Studied developing continuum models for the large stretch behaviors of periodic microstructured, ultra lightweight and strong nanocomposites and nanotrusses for soldier protection in collaboration with Institute for Soldier NanoTechnologies.

-Developed a general microstructurally-informed continuum level constitutive model of the large stretch behavior of membranes possessing a triangulated network or truss-like structure.

- Implemented a transition state model of unfolding to study large deformation behavior of two-dimensional networks of biomacromolecules for various loading conditions monitoring mechanically-induced unfolding of the protein spectrin.